Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Sweet Taste of Home

With this picture at the left, I recall a song of Owl City, Umbrella Beach. I like a part of the lyrics that says, "Home will always be here, unseen, out of sight. Where I disappear and hide." That states my longing to come home! But even for quite a short while, I consider India as my second home. Here I learned to be independent. I have actually become braver and bolder.

Anyway, this picture was taken at the Food Court of Mantri Square, one of the malls in India and the largest mall, they say, in India. Indeed, it was huge with a very classy interior design. I cannot compare it to SM Malls in the Philippines, but this mall is truly fascinating! It is one and a half hours away from Whitefield, the place where we are staying, but the long trip is worth it all!

Well, it was Saturday and a non-working day so we planned to go to this mall to simply unwind! But, mind you, we somehow endured the walking. It's alright since we sit all day five days a week facing our computers. We didn't do something special in this mall. We just went around and looked around a.k.a. window shopping. We entered technology stores, the hypermarket, and anything else we can see. But for me, the best part is our lunch!

If you don't know it, pork and fish are uncommon in India. Their main diet can be classified into two categories: Veg and Non-Veg. Non-Veg is usually chicken or any other meat such as mutton. Of course, veg is a vegetarian diet. Due to that, we don't eat pork or fish here often. I personally miss fish or seafood a lot!

So for lunch, we decided to eat something we haven't eaten for so long, which is either fish or pork! We haven't found any restaurant serving pork but we have found seafood! Heaven! I can't describe the food very well so I'll just put a picture here. I ordered fish fillet, fried rice, french fries, and a chinese sauce which name I forgot! It was very delicious. It's like being at home. I can taste a close resemblance of Filipino food with this meal even though the manner of cooking was more of Chinese. Well, I ate heartily and my stomach was so full! This was the happiest day of my tongue!

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